Kinsta Hobby Tier

Kinsta Hobby Tier

The Kinsta Hobby Tier is a suitable solution to learn development or work on a personal passion project. Pursue your development goals regardless of the size of your app. For as low as $7, you will get 0.3 CPU and 0.3 GB RAM and you can enjoy the benefits of higher-tier Application Hosting such as…

Wall of Servers

Kinsta VPS

Does Kinsta offer VPS Hosting?   Kinsta does not offer VPS hosting. They offer application hosting, database hosting, and managed WordPress hosting platforms. These services do not fall into any of the traditional hosting categories. The entire Kinsta infrastructure is built on Google Cloud and Cloudflare, and is different from traditional shared, VPS, or dedicated…

Wordpress on Pair Networks

WordPress on Pair Networks

WordPress on Pair Networks Pair Networks has WordPress specific hosting plans that are optimized for WordPress websites. This means your website will perform better and load faster on their servers. Pair Networks gives you two main options for hosting a WordPress website. They offer fully managed WordPress hosting with 5 hosting plans to choose from…

Is WordPress Free

Is WordPress Free?

Is WordPress Free? WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system (CMS), is renowned for its versatility, user-friendliness, and extensive customization options. One common misconception, however, is whether WordPress is truly free. We’ll delve into the intricacies of WordPress’s cost structure, separating myth from reality and helping you understand the financial aspects of running a…

Rreal Design

We are not taking on new clients at this time Because we only give our clients top quality and we take extra time to develop customized marketing projects, we are not taking on any new clients. We are however putting names on a waiting list. If you would like to get your name on our…